Review: A Dad Joke A Day by Daddilife Books

Jokes are a big thing in our house. Being in a house full of boys, you can imagine the type of toilet humour that goes on can’t you?

Mr H loves being silly to make the boys laugh and with Father’s Day coming up, perhaps this joke book for dads would make the ideal gift?

As a bit of background, the Daddilife website has been around for around 5 years and has articles and information all about modern-day fatherhood. They’ve also covered a wide range of topics relating to Fatherhood, including Mental Health, Dads at Work, Single Dads, The Latest Research, Things to Do, and so much more! They have recently released their new book A Dad Joke A Day.

A Dad Joke A Day

The book does exactly what it says on the tin. There is a joke for each day of the year as well as tips on the best way to deliver them to achieve the best laughs.


Key features

  • A different dad joke for each day of the year – even leap years
  • Explanation of the physics behind the dad joke
  • And there’s a segment where they have collaborated with a great comedic writer on the best way to tell a dad joke too



Our thoughts on A Dad Joke A Day

Our copy was ordered through Amazon and was delivered the next day. The boys have a few of their own joke books already but I can tell they will enjoy this one as much as their Dad as the jokes are all family-friendly. I won’t lie, some will have you groaning but others will have you laughing out loud too.


A Dad Joke A Day is available to buy direct from Amazon and would make a great gift for all dads (and kids) out there.

Buy your copy here

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