How do Dental Implants work?

Missing teeth have devastating effects on your appearance. In addition, they cause surrounding teeth to shift out of place and affect your diet. Although there are several teeth replacement options, dental implants are the most durable.

Implants replace your tooth root, and they have a structure that fuses with your jawbone to replace your missing teeth. Kindly read further to know more about the dental implant structure and who qualifies for them.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are tiny screws that your dentist at Dentakay dental clinic places in your jawbone to replace the tooth root. These screws fuse with the jawbone and act as a base for the artificial teeth. Because the implants are made from titanium, they are biocompatible. As a result, they do not cause adverse reactions to the jawbone or gum tissue.

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The Dental Implant structure

The dental implant has a structure consisting of the post, abutment, and artificial teeth. The post or fixture is the base, while the abutment connects the post to the prosthetic teeth.


The implant’s post is the base and functions as the tooth root. This post is sturdy and fuses with the jawbone without causing adverse reactions. When placing a dental implant, the fixture comes first. Your dentist will place it in the jawbone as an artificial tooth root. Afterwards, the jawbone fuses with the post through osseointegration.


The abutment is the connector between the post and the prosthetic teeth. One end of the abutment fits in the post, and the other fits on the artificial teeth. Abutments can either be prefabricated or custom-made. The type of abutment your dentist uses will suit your prosthetic teeth.

Prosthetic Teeth

The prosthetic teeth are the final stage of the implant placement process. During this stage, your dentist will mount the artificial teeth on the abutment. The prosthetic teeth can be a dental crown, bridge, or denture.

Dental crowns are suitable for people missing one or more teeth that are not adjacent to each other. Bridges are for missing teeth and are adjacent to each other. Dentures, however, are suitable for people without an entire arch or mouthful of teeth.

Who qualifies for Dental Implants?

Before getting any dental procedure, you must consult a dentist to ensure you qualify. Factors that determine if you are eligible for dental implants include;

Jawbone and gum health

The success of a dental implant swindon procedure depends on the health of your jawbone and gums. Your dentist places the implant in your jawbone, where it fuses to stay in place. However, if the jawbone is not dense or healthy enough, it may not secure the implant. In cases like this, your dentist may recommend a bone graft.

Furthermore, the gums support the implant root and allow the prosthetic teeth to rest on them. Periodontal disease results in gum degradation, which can impact the success of a dental implant. Patients with periodontal disease often experience further gum degradation if there are no significant changes to oral hygiene.


Before a dental procedure, you must discuss the medications you are taking with your dentist. Some drugs contra indicate anaesthesia during the implant surgery. For instance, NSAIDs like aspirin can cause excessive bleeding.


The jaws keep developing, and these changes can affect the success of an implant. Because a dental implant requires a firm foundation, your dentist will examine the level of jaw development. Furthermore, because of these changes, dentists do not install implants in patients younger than 18, except if necessary.

Fortunately, there is no upper limit for dental implants. Anyone above the age of 18 can get dental implants as long as they do not have any significant risk factors.

Risk Factors

Health conditions like Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and other autoimmune disease increase the risk of infections and complications after implant surgery. In addition, patients with psychological problems or using medications for bone deterioration diseases, including osteoporosis, may not qualify for dental implants.

Lifestyle also affects the success of dental implants. For example, people who smoke or consume alcohol may not qualify for implants because tobacco and alcohol inhibit healing.

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What is the length of a dental implant procedure?

According to Dentakay Dentist, Dr. Gülay A dental implant procedure typically takes about six months. This is because each stage of the procedure requires healing. For instance, after your dentist places the implant post, the jawbone has to fuse and heal around the implants before you can get the abutment and prosthetic teeth.

What is the cost of Dental Implants?

The cost of dental implants varies depending on the location. Implants are cheaper in some places due to medical tourism. For instance, the price of implants in Turkey is significantly more affordable than in the USA and the UK. You should get a single unit of dental implants for $4000 and $2500 in the USA and UK, respectively. In Turkey, on the other hand, this cost is between $650 per unit.

How painful is a Dental Implant procedure?

A dental implant procedure is not painful because your dentist will administer anaesthesia to numb the surgical site. However, the effects of the anaesthesia should wear off after the surgery. Although you may feel a slight discomfort afterwards, it wears off after a few days.

It is best to follow the aftercare tips your dentist prescribes. You can use pain relievers and antibiotics to relieve pain and prevent infection. In addition, avoid hot foods and beverages and avoid brushing vigorously.

Improve your oral health today!

Dental implants work by fusing with your jawbone and having a prosthetic tooth connected by an abutment. Implants are long-lasting and can withstand biting and chewing forces. In addition, dental implants are ideal for you if you miss one or more teeth. Your dentist will examine your mouth and health history to see if you qualify for the procedure. Fortunately, the procedure is safe and pain-free.

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