How to parent without Nutella

There was a time in my life before I discovered Nutella, but it’s hard for me to recall what that was like. Beyond being pure deliciousness in a jar, Nutella was my 3pm boost when I could not parent for one more minute. Hundreds of jars into my Nutella habit and I realised I was in trouble. Not only was I going broke but my teeth and waistline were starting to protest.


The Mid-Afternoon Dip

In order to wean my Nutella obsession (ok, addiction), I needed a replacement. So I started speaking with other mums and checked in with Mommy Authority, here. I saw that so many of us starting crashing around that time. Naturally, we all tended to go for the same quick fix -sugar.

The Truth About Carbs

With all the low-carb diets out there, it’s pretty unpopular to be a carb and sugar addict. Unfortunately, this is based on real research. Studies have shown that people on a low glycemic diet have a lower rate of depression and fatigue than people on a high glycemic diet. This is true for obese people as well as otherwise healthy adults.

What Is The Glycemic Index?

The glycemic index (GI) measures how quickly carbs will raise your blood sugar. A higher number will raise your blood sugar quickly and then lower it quickly, sending you back for more of it  (hello, Nutella). A lower GI will mean a slower breakdown of carbs and slower release of glucose into the bloodstream. This could also mean slower digestion which makes someone feel fuller for a longer amount of time.

The problem is that sugar and carbs give me the boost I need to make dinner, break up fights and read the same baby book a hundred times in a row. I was doubtful that I could find a low glycemic snack that would motivate me the same way. But, I was determined to try.

First I took a look at foods that are high and low on the glycemic index. Below is a small sampling. To get a better understanding of what it means, I would recommend looking at a larger list with number values attached to them.

High Glycemic Foods

  • White bread
  • White rice
  • Cookies
  • Soda
  • Sugar cereals
  • Bananas
  • Raisins
  • White Potatoes

Low Glycemic Foods

  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Sweet Potato
  • Berries
  • Apple
  • Quinoa
  • Chickpeas
  • Steel-cut oats
  • Skim milk

Keep In Mind

Before you base your diet solely on the glycemic index, there are important points to keep in mind. For example, think about portion size. Eating low glycemic foods doesn’t mean consuming unlimited amounts of it. Also, the glycemic index cannot predict how much insulin someone produces. As with any diet, it’s always advised to speak with your doctor first.

What you can learn from analysing  low glycemic foods are patterns. Fibre-rich foods like vegetables, fruits and whole grains, have low numbers and are ideal when it comes to choosing healthy snack ideas.

Healthier Snack Ideas

For some healthier snack ideas that would be satisfying, I came up with the following:

  • Carrot and hummus
  • Green apple with natural peanut butter
  • Edamame
  • A handful of raisins and pecans
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and strawberries

Take Away

My first day without Nutella was torture, but it did get easier. Staying strong when I encountered slime all over my walls almost sent me straight to my beloved jar, but I prevailed. What made it easier for me was filling my cupboards with low glycemic snacks and not buying any more Nutella. If I try, I can still imagine the taste and smoothness of the greatest chocolate spread ever invented, but I know now that I don’t need it to parent.

*Collaborative post

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