Life under lockdown: week 6

I want to document our life during this lockdown period due to COVID-19 pandemic, somewhere to jot down thoughts, feelings and generally how our family is coping with life under lockdown…

Week beginning Monday 27 April, 2020

Work seems to be getting busier and juggling that and homeschool can be trying at times with everyone wanting things at once. What really takes up time, is the organising of work, the printing of worksheets and working out who is doing what. Then at the end of the day, it’s having to fill in their home learning exercise books with the work they have completed and documenting both their work to upload into Google classroom so the teacher can see what they’ve been doing. It can be pretty time consuming and I am exhausted by the end of the day!


The weather hasn’t been great this week – we’ve had lots of rain so the boys have not been able to play outside in the garden. M has been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes this week, working out how many lines of symmetry there are and so on. E has been putting together a timeline from when he was born right up to the present day. Its been nice to look back at old photos from when he was a baby. I’d forgotten how chubby he was!


I downloaded a Lockdown Memories worksheet from Tandem Green which M filled in this week. Unsurprisingly, he is missing school and his friends. I found out that according to him the worst thing about lockdown so far, was learning to tell the time! I had no idea as he gave no indication that he wasn’t enjoying it whatsoever. He did also say that he was thankful for being able to play with his brother during this time and that when this was all over, he couldn’t wait to visit the park, Wales and Spain!

Mr H finally caved and had me cut his hair this week. I think I managed to do a decent job after watching some videos on YouTube.

Read my other Life under Lockdown posts:

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