Top vitamins and supplements that will help you improve your health

We all want to live a healthy, active lifestyle. The number one factor that will give you the upper hand in your quest for good health is diet. Hearty, nutritious meals are essential for living well. So much so that it’s even possible to have too many antioxidants, which can be harmful as an unhealthy meal, the human body is a remarkable machine capable of incredible things. Still, without the right fuel, it can be incredibly ineffective. Vitamins and supplements can help you to better your health in several ways.


The following list of top vitamins and supplements may be helpful when trying to improve your health through diet.


Magnesium plays a role in over 300 different chemical reactions within the body. It helps with muscle movement and nerve function, production of DNA and RNA as well as helping to maintain a normal heart rhythm. Magnesium-rich foods include pumpkin seeds, spinach, black beans, and cashews. Taking magnesium glycinate from pure encapsulations is an effective way to improve your magnesium levels faster. You can do this by taking one capsule with breakfast and another with dinner. The human body should never take more than 350 milligrams at once or 350 milligrams every day for extended periods. Consult your doctor before beginning any supplementation regimen involving magnesium.


Iron is used to help red blood cells carry oxygen all around the body, which gives you energy and helps your muscles work correctly. It is most commonly found in red meat like beef, lamb, and pork; dark leafy vegetables like spinach and kale contain iron. The human body can only absorb a certain amount of iron each day (about 18 milligrams at once). Any excess will be stored for later use by the body. Vegetarians may want to consider taking an iron supplement since they usually have a lower intake from plant-based sources. Iron supplements should be taken on an empty stomach, water, or fruit juice if tolerated.

Iron supplements are available in many forms but are not suitable for children under 18. Iron supplements should never be taken with food or antacids as they can reduce your body’s ability to absorb iron properly. If you want to take an iron supplement, it is recommended that you speak with your doctor first before beginning a regimen.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is crucial for developing red blood cells that deliver oxygen around the body. This vitamin can also help prevent memory loss, dementia, or Alzheimer’s disease later on in life by protecting the brain against toxins that harm its tissue. Vitamin B12 can be found in beef, lamb, and pork but not in plant-based foods. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, I recommend taking a B-complex supplement to ensure you get all the different forms of B vitamins your body needs. If you have been diagnosed with pernicious anaemia by your doctor, consult them before beginning any supplementation regimen involving vitamin b12.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential dietary supplement that offers many health benefits, including the ability to lower your risk of heart disease, arthritis, and depression. Omega-3 can be found in oily fish like salmon, tuna, or mackerel; some plants (such as flaxseeds) also contain omega-3 but at a much lower concentration than animal sources. It is best to eat foods like this rather than taking out supplements since other nutrients you need may not be present in supplements. Generally speaking, anyone can take up to 3 grams of omega-3 per day – pregnant women should consult their doctor before beginning any supplementation regimen.


Calcium is necessary to keep your bones and teeth strong, but it does more than that. It also aids the proper function of your digestive system, circulatory system, and blood clotting. Meals high in vitamin D and calcium can be found in products like eggs, milk and cheese. If you are not a big fan of these foods, you may want to consider taking calcium supplements (which sometimes contain vitamin D) or making sure you get enough calcium in your daily diet.



Biotin is used for promoting hair growth as well as strengthening your nails. It works by interacting with the substances that provide both hair and nail structure. You can find biotin in eggs, almonds, mushrooms, bananas, tomatoes, cauliflower, and cucumbers. There are no known harmful effects of taking too much biotin, but it can interfere with specific medical tests, so always consult your doctor before supplementation with this vitamin.

Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 plays a role in blood clotting and building strong bones by ensuring that calcium is used appropriately. Foods rich in vitamin k2 include natto (fermented soy), egg yolks, beef liver, and grass-fed dairy products like cheese and butter. Always consult with your doctor before beginning medication, especially medication containing vitamin k, because too much k can lead to severe health issues.

There are many vitamins and supplements that you can use to improve your overall health and become healthier or happier. The top vitamins and supplements listed above should be taken by people who want to improve their health. Always consult with your doctor before beginning supplementation with any medication to ensure there won’t be any negative interactions between the two.

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