Autumn Bedroom Makeover: How to update and prepare your space

As the leaves change colours and the air becomes crisp, it’s the perfect time to update and transform your bedroom into a cosy and inviting space for the autumn season. Creating an autumn-inspired bedroom can enhance relaxation, promote better sleep, and evoke a sense of warmth and comfort. There are plenty of ways to update and prepare your bedroom for autumn: choosing the right colours, opting for seasonal scents, decluttering your space and more! Let’s explore the best ways to make your bedroom autumn-ready…

Choosing Autumn colours

The first step in transforming your bedroom for autumn is to select the perfect colours to capture the season’s essence. Consider warm and earthy tones such as russet, deep orange, mustard yellow, rich burgundy, and shades of brown or green. These colours create a cosy and inviting atmosphere, reflecting the beauty of autumn foliage. They also tend to be really soothing tones, and can make you feel warmer as the temperature drops.

If you don’t want to paint your walls just for one season (and we get it!) then consider other ways to incorporate these shades into your bedroom: cushions, curtains, artwork, blankets and more.

autumn bedroom makeover

Seasonal bedding and linens

Update your bedding and linens to reflect the comfortable and cosy ambience of autumn. Opt for thicker, warmer materials such as flannel or fleece – you might want a higher duvet dog for the autumn months too! A bamboo duvet is great for the autumn months, as it is thermoregulating and intuitively reacts to your temperature to keep you warm while preventing overheating. Choose bedding sets or duvet covers in autumn-inspired colours or patterns, such as plaid, foliage motifs, or rustic designs. Layering blankets and decorative pillows can add texture and depth to your bed, inviting ultimate snuggles during the chilly nights.

Cosy decor elements

Add cosy decor elements throughout your bedroom to enhance the autumn vibe. Incorporate soft and plush throws and rugs in warm textures like faux fur or chunky knits. Place an upholstered chair or a cushioned bench where you can curl up with a good book or sip a delicious hot chocolate. Fairy lights and candles make perfect autumnal decor elements too! You can DIY some beautiful autumn pieces using leaves, fabric scraps, paint and more – maybe a candle holder or a nice wreath. This will add a lovely touch to your room, and they’re something you can bring out year after year.

Bringing nature indoors

Embrace the beauty of nature by bringing elements from the outdoors into your bedroom. Place a vase with dried flowers, twigs, or branches adorned with autumn leaves on your nightstand or dresser – pinecones are a great fit during the autumn months. You can create a really elegant centrepiece by filling a bowl with pinecones and potpourri. Simple, but so effective.

Consider incorporating dark wooden furniture or accents that add warmth and rustic charm to the space. Indoor plants, such as potted succulents or seasonal flowers, can also infuse a fresh and rejuvenating touch to a bedroom. And it’s great for your health to have house plants, as they help keep the air fresh!

Seasonal scents and aromas

Scents play a huge role in creating the perfect autumnal ambience within a home; different scents can impact your mood in different ways too. Patchouli, for example, is quite an autumnal scent – and it can be really calming. Looking for different potpourri blends as well as candles and essential oils in fall-related scents. Cinnamon, clove, apple and black pepper are all great examples. And a nice candle always makes things a little more cosy.

Declutter and organise

One thing you should always do when giving your bedroom a refresh is decluttering. Get rid of anything you don’t need or use, and pack away the summer clothes until next year – use vacuum pack storage bags to save space. Invest in furniture with built in storage, like a bed with drawers in the bottom, for year-round tidiness.

Personal touches

Adding some lovely personal touches to your bedroom is always a good idea – it makes it a much more welcoming place to be. Choose items like artwork and ornaments that reflect your personal style but still have that autumnal element to them; think about those autumn colours like deep reds and greens. If you have any sentimental items, adding them is another great idea: family photos or little memories.

Maintaining the Autumn vibe

Keep the autumn atmosphere alive throughout the season by ensuring you have multiple sets of autumnal bedding, and switching up the nice fall scents you’re using in the bedroom. And as the season progresses, turning to winter, you can switch things up further – even cosier bedding, and some (dare we say it) Christmas scents and decorations.

Your Autumn bedroom makeover

There are so many ways to bring a little bit of autumn into your bedroom – choosing the right colours, opting for cosy bedding, and utilising scents that are common at this time of year. Giving your room a bit of a makeover is not only fun, but it can be stimulating and help you fall back in love with your home. A bedroom that you enjoy spending time in is one way to aid a good night’s sleep, which is paramount for living a happy and healthy life.

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