Embarrassing health concerns that are more common than you may think

We can all experience occasionally embarrassing health concerns. Many people choose to suffer in silence rather than face embarrassing health issues, but the fact is that the most embarrassing health problems are often also the most common. It is essential never to ignore the signs your body is giving you and seek help when you need it. Sometimes embarrassing health concerns are minor and can clear up on their own, but other times there may be underlying causes that require a doctor’s attention.

This article will explore some of the most common embarrassing health issues and how you can deal with them.

Excess sweating

Excess sweating is a common issue. While it is normal to sweat on a hot day or while exercising, sweating while at rest or in cool climates can be distressing or annoying. It is a good idea to consult your doctor about excess sweating as it may be a sign of other conditions such as menopause or mental health issues like anxiety. If your regular deodorant isn’t up to the task, you could talk to your pharmacist about finding a stronger antiperspirant or speak to your doctor about getting a prescription.

Body Odour

A strong body odour can have many causes. If you are overweight, eat lots of strong-smelling food or don’t wash regularly or adequately, this can cause a strong or unpleasant body odour. The best way to tackle this issue is to wash regularly, eat a healthy diet and cut out foods that may cause odour. It is also important not to wash too frequently, as this can exacerbate a strong body odour.



Warts are small clumps of skin that form in lumps. They are most commonly found on hands and feet and are not usually a sign of any more serious health condition. Warts will often clear up on their own, but many warts take two years or longer for this to happen naturally. You can find treatments for warts over the counter in pharmacies or talk to your doctor if you have a more severe case.

Bad breath

Bad breath can be caused by poor diet, eating strong-smelling food or smoking, among other causes. To reduce the impact of bad breath, it is crucial to practice good dental hygiene. Brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day, in the morning and the evening before bed. Use a tongue scraper to clean your tongue and floss at least once per day. It would be best if you visited the dentist regularly to ensure your teeth are healthy.



Acne is a common skin condition that affects adults and children alike. Keeping the affected area clean is crucial. You can also get over the counter lotions and moisturisers that can help or talk to your doctor about prescription medications.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes can be embarrassing, but it is actually very common. Many people with genital herpes may not even realise they have it. An outbreak can be uncomfortable and unpleasant, causing pain and itching in the affected area.

You can get medications that will suppress and treat the symptoms of herpes when they arise and stop them from spreading to other areas of the body. Aciclovir tablets are an excellent option for anyone suffering from genital herpes. Chemist Click has this advice on how Aciclovir tablets work, when they should be used, and who should use them.


There are many types of STD. Herpes, as discussed above, is one of the most common. Other common STDs are chlamydia and gonorrhoea, which can cause pain, itching, rashes or discharge in the genital area.

If you notice any signs of an STD, it is essential to consult your doctor as soon as possible. While talking to your doctor about STDs may be embarrassing, try to remember that they have seen it all before. One way to prevent contracting an STD is by using condoms during sex, though it is important to remember that even protected sex cannot be 100% effective in avoiding STDs.


Haemorrhoids can be painful and embarrassing but are also very common. As many as 50% of people will experience haemorrhoids at some point in their lives. Also known as piles, they are caused by excess weight, straining when using the toilet, constipation or diarrhoea.

They can be itchy and may cause bleeding when using the bathroom. You should always consult a doctor if you notice blood in your stool to rule out more serious conditions. Your doctor will also be able to offer advice on how to manage haemorrhoids.


There are many embarrassing health conditions that may affect us throughout our lives. It is essential to be aware of the common symptoms and seek out treatment should they arise. Never avoid the doctor if you feel something is wrong, even if it is embarrassing to talk about. It is best to get checked out just in case there is a more serious underlying issue.

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